Since laser hair removal machines have typically worked best for people with dark hair, will dyeing hair help laser hair removal, and increase your success?
It’s a common question light-haired people have. Also, people who have gray or red hair may ask the same question because laser hair removal machines traditionally haven’t worked well for those hair colors either.
Funny thing: If you search online, you will see numerous results related to dying hair. “Dying” of course relates to being dead, not dyeing which refers to coloring something with dye. Having said that, when you do laser hair removal you are trying to get your hair to die. The question is will dyeing your hair help it die? But I digress…

Will Dyeing Hair Help Laser Hair Removal?
Not really. While dyeing your hair a dark color may make your hair look dark – the ideal hair color for laser hair removal is a dark one – the dye doesn’t necessarily travel all the way down the hair follicle to the root of the hair which is where the laser hair removal process typically works.
The laser used by hair removal machines looks for contrast: The contrast between skin color and hair color specifically. The greater the contrast between skin and hair color the more success laser machines have usually had with hair removal. Newer laser machines do a better job than older ones with more varied hair colors and skin tones but not all hair removal clinics used brand new machines.
So when you dye your hair, you may only really be dyeing the part of the hair that you can see above your skin. When laser zaps the hair, it travels down the shaft and targets the bottom of the hair follicle down to the root of the hair to attempt to disable its ability to grow again in the future.
If the bottom part of your hair underneath the skin is still the same color as it was before you dyed it – which is likely – you’re still treating the same natural hair color that you have. And if that color is light, blonde, gray, red or ginger it’s typically not a color that is conducive to successful hair removal.
So what to do?
Laser Hair Removal For All Skin Colors?
First off, electrolysis is a permanent hair removal option that is not dependent on skin or hair color. You can check that option out in more detail to learn more. But if you have your heart set on laser hair removal…
These days modern laser hair removal machines are better able to work with various hair colors than ever before. Does these mean that 100% of men and women who desire hair removal can successfully get treatment from laser?
Not necessarily.
But newer laser machines are better equipped than older ones and in general terms there are machines on the market that can deal with all six skin color types on the Fitzpatrick skin tone chart.
The Nd:YAG laser hair removal machine is typically able to treat all skin types I-VI.
Two of the most important factors that historically determine laser hair removal success are skin color and hair color.
One of the more exciting new discoveries in hair removal in 2020 is the Elite iQ Aesthetic Workstation from Cynosure. Marketed as a multi-purpose machine as are many of its competitors, it was designed for laser hair removal but also in the words of Cynosure, a number of other skin-related procedures:
The Elite iQ aesthetic workstation is indicated for the following, but not limited to: permanent hair reduction and treatment of benign vascular lesions, benign pigmented lesions, wrinkles, warts, scars, stretch marks, psoriasis, rosacea and ingrown facial hairs.
The Elite iQ combines an Alexandrite and ND: YAG laser to offer more flexibility to help people with a wider variety of skin types. It also comes with an industry first feature called Skintel:
Skintel is a melanin reader that confirms the skin tone of each patient to enable the hair removal practitioner to set the machine according to the person’s skin tone.
These days there are laser hair removal machines that can successfully assist people with all skin types I-VI. Skintel therefore helps the patient ensure that machine is set to their specific requirements.
So if skin color and hair color are two of the biggest determinants of hair removal success for laser machines and skin color is now less of a barrier than before, the only thing left is really for laser machines to target all hair colors.
Can they currently do that?
Laser Hair Removal For All Hair Colors?
Laser hair removal machines have typically been best suited for people with dark hair. Light, blonde, grey and red/ginger hairs are not typically well treated by laser or IPL hair removal.
I’m amazed at the number of actual hair removal clinics that have incorrect information on their websites concerning this, and related topics.
Some refer to IPL as laser, which it is not.
Some refer to “permanent hair removal” and laser hair removal in the same sentence which is also not true. Permanent hair reduction is what laser and IPL may offer you.
I’ve seen several clinics and hair removal “experts” that boldly claim that they can treat all skin colors and hair colors when in all likelihood that is not the case even if they have the latest laser technology that others don’t offer.
What About Red, Blonde and Gray Hair?
I wondered about those who specifically have red, blonde or gray hair. These folks typically are the ones that no laser or IPL hair removal product can help. So I decided to contact the manufacturer of one of the most modern hair removal lasers on the planet, the Elite iQ from Cynosure. I asked them:
Is Elite iQ suitable for gray, red, and blonde/light hair removal or does it not have as much success with those hair colors? My understanding is that lasers typically don’t work well on those hair colors.
Their Clinical Support group was kind enough to quickly (within several hours) respond. Here’s their answer:
The Elite iQ, like other laser hair reduction devices is not effective on red, blonde, or gray hairs. There would need to be enough melanin in the hair to be effective.
Cynosure Clinical Support
Ultimately your best bet is to visit and speak with individual laser hair removal clinics to see what laser machines they offer and which technologies they use. Ask for examples of how they’ve successfully treated people with your hair color and skin tone and ask for proof in the form of before and after pictures.
Hair Removal And Hair Dye Research
If you’re interested in research, there is a 2011 research report that concluded that IPL facial hair removal in conjunction with eyeliner and hair dye assisted in the hair removal process. In summary:
This study supports that hair coloring is an efficient and feasible technique that can be combined with IPL to eliminate white facial hair.
National Library of Medicine
The results tended to show fair/good results. As this report was from 2011 and I’ve not seen much in the way of updated information on the subject however, I’m not sure it’s something I’d be willing to hang my hat on. And it’s for IPL hair removal not laser.
- Will dyeing hair help laser hair removal? No, in all likelihood since dyeing hair generally only dyes hair above the skin and not down to the root of the hair which is the area that laser targets during treatment.
- While skin color and hair color have typically been the biggest determinants and barriers to successful laser hair removal, newer technologies are better than ever at helping patients.
- Elite iQ is a laser hair removal machine introduced in 2020 that reads melanin and uses a person’s skin tone to suggest how to treat that person specifically.
- Modern hair removal lasers are increasingly able to be adjusted to take into consideration each patient’s unique situation.
- Check out my post titled Which Laser Removal Is Best
to learn more about how laser hair removal machines take into account skin and hair color.
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