If Laser Hair Removal Isn’t Working, What Should You Do?
Statista reports that 96% of laser hair removal patients are satisfied with their results and would do it again. Compared to other non-surgical procedures who were included in the survey, laser hair removal was tied for second place with Botox, behind Photofacials which finished first.
But laser hair removal doesn’t work for everyone. While modern, state-of-the-art laser hair removal machines can now help people with all skin tones, laser hair removal and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal still doesn’t work on people with blonde, light, red or gray hair.
And they still don’t work on light and thin hair. More on that later.
So assuming you don’t fall into any of those categories, why could your laser hair removal treatments be failing and what should you do? Is changing the type of laser machine being used an option you should consider?
Are You Even A Good Candidate?
One of the most important aspects of laser hair removal is being assured up front before you started that you’re even a candidate. While modern laser hair removal machines such as the Nd:YAG can successfully treat any skin color, the fact is that not all lasers currently being used in hair removal clinics can.
Further, if you have unwanted hair that is white, blonde, red or gray, laser and IPL hair removal can’t help you either. So if you’re getting laser hair removal for those hair colors you need to stop because it won’t work and you’re wasting your money.
What laser type are you currently receiving treatment with?
Often times, people don’t know even after taking treatment because they aren’t told and aren’t familiar with laser machines. Do yourself a favor and find out what laser technologies are available so you understand your options.
If you are not using the correct laser for your hair type or skin type, you won’t get results. If your practitioner is not skilled enough, you won’t get results. If the laser machine you’re receiving treatment with isn’t calibrated or maintained properly, you won’t get results.
If you aren’t sure all of these factors are being properly addressed, you might need to find a new clinic for a second opinion.

Is The Same Laser Still Appropriate?
OK, so you’ve been having laser hair removal treatment for X amount of time with Y number of treatments. Perhaps you were seeing positive results but now are no longer seeing the same success as before. Or maybe you were never seeing the results to begin with which goes back to the above point about receiving the correct treatment with the correct laser.
Here are 4 things to consider:
- Some hair is permanently eliminated. As you go through treatment for hair removal, some hair may not grow back and effectively to be eliminated permanently. So there is progress being made in this instance, you may just not immediately see it.
- Dormant hair begins to grow. New hair that was previously dormant and not growing may appear. So even if you think your treatment isn’t working it is possible that the hair removal process is actually removing hair but new hair growth is (naturally and normally) occurring that makes you feel like progress isn’t being made.
- You need an updated treatment regimen. As you eliminate hair through successive treatments, the hair that grows back may do so thinner and finer than before. And this hair may not be successfully treatable since laser doesn’t work on thin and fine hair. Your success has plateaued and reached a peak, perhaps with the specific laser being used. Do they have another laser or IPL machine that could better help you moving forward?
- Your skin color has changed. Have you tanned and your skin has gotten darker since treatment began? Did you start laser treatment in the summer when your skin was darker and now it has lightened in the fall/winter? If the laser machine hasn’t been adjusted to take this into consideration your treatment may not work properly and you might be risking injury to your skin. Your laser machine operator should take this into account!
It’s also possible that you are experiencing several or even all four of these cases simultaneously.
Discuss your thoughts with the person doing the laser work and think about getting a second opinion from another clinic to see if they can do a better job or offer a path forward if no solution is offered.
Also, if you haven’t already done so take some pictures of yourself in present day and compare the amount of hair you have after each treatment session to prior photos before treatment.
- Lack of success with laser hair removal may occur because you’re not a candidate for laser, new hair is growing faster than you can remove it, the wrong laser is being used, you need an updated treatment plan possibly with a new laser, or your skin tone has changed and is negatively affecting results.
- Check out my Laser Hair Removal page to learn more about each laser type and who is suitable for each option.
- StatPearls
put a great resource together covering the types of lasers available, Fitzpatrick skin types, pre-treatment preparation routine and post-procedure care. It will help you learn more about these important issues, too.
- Your hair removal success may have plateaued and you might need a new treatment plan using another laser or IPL machine, if appropriate.
- Check out my page titled 12 Questions To Ask Before You Get Laser Hair Removal to understand other factors that might affect your hair removal success.
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