Permanent Hair Removal Cream

Permanent Hair Removal Cream

Permanent hair removal cream doesn’t exist. Yet I can quickly search online and find many websites promoting it. One website I came across has an article stating that permanent hair removal cream doesn’t exist but another article on the same website refers to the 5 best permanent hair removal creams in the title.

Who can you believe when there is so much false information regarding hair removal to the point where you can come across contradictory information on the same website?

Permanent Hair Removal

That’s one of the reasons I set up this website and why I used the URL I know that people search for the term permanent hair removal because when I first started researching hair removal methods (I ended up choosing IPL) I searched for that phrase too. And at the time I first started looking, the Internet was much less sophisticated as it is today in terms of what resources were available.

With that mind…

The only actual provider of permanent hair removal is electrolysis. And even electrolysis typically requires multiple treatments over time. Hair grows in cycles and hair removal methods can only treat hair that is visible above the surface of the skin.

I did an interview with an Electrologist (a professional electrolysis provider) that you might find interesting as he’s a guy (!) and started his practice focused on serving men since traditionally electrolysis was marketed towards women. I think both men and women will benefit from this interview because his practice serves all customers and he is very knowledgeable about the service.

Permanent Hair Reduction

Permanent hair reduction is different from permanent hair removal. While removal constitutes permanently ridding yourself of treated hair to the point where you have no more hair in that particular area, permanent hair reduction refers to reducing the amount of hair in that area to a noticeable degree. With multiple treatments with laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal, you may achieve permanent hair reduction.

I had multiple IPL treatments on my back over a period of about 2.5 years. I definitely saw (and still see) a permanent reduction in back and shoulder hair. It wasn’t 100% but I knew that going in.


Because IPL and laser zap an area of hairs simultaneously and while some hair follicles may lose their ability to regrow a hair permanently, others will grow back again. Plus, hair grows in cycles and this is very important. Dormant hair may grow in the future and cannot be treated if it is in the dormant state beneath the skin. Laser and IPL only work when hair is the in the growth cycle.

Please see my article on the Hair Growth CycleOpens in a new tab. that I wrote on my other website Bald Guy Beard. While the article refers to scalp hair the information is the same: Hair grows in distinct cycles. Save yourself some money. You’ll learn about the relationship between hair growth and hair removal. It’s very important!

Hair Removal Cream

So we started up top by discussing the fact that there is no such thing as hair removal cream that removes hair permanently. It doesn’t exist. But what about hair removal cream in general?

I’ve used the popular brands like Veet and Nair. Personally, I wouldn’t use them again. Hair removal creams go directly on the skin and dissolve hair at skin level. Hair will start growing back within a day or perhaps 2 – 3 days at the most. They tend to be chemical-based products that dissolve hair within a few minutes of application. Older style products had a very strong odor. If you get them on other body parts with hair, expect that this hair will also be removed too whether you wanted that or not.

I found these products smelly and messy and since results only last a few days at best, what’s the point? So while we started out talking about hair removal cream, I’ll summarize this page to let you know you can do better. If you’re looking for hair removal that is either permanent (electrolysis) or one that offers permanent hair reduction (laser or IPL) do check out these links to learn more about what you can expect from each.

Carl Mueller

I'm Carl and I write Permanent Hair Removal Tips. I discuss my hair removal experiences in detail and talk about the pros and cons and things to be aware of. Thanks for stopping by!

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