Natural Hair Growth Inhibitors For Men

Natural hair growth inhibitors include genetics and lifestyle choices.

A number of natural hair growth inhibitors are available on the market and generally claim to slow the growth of hair. There are also commercially available products that claim to retard hair growth, too.

Most products are available over the counter and some products require a prescription. Before we discuss the products themselves it helps to learn a bit about hair loss and why it happens.

Hair Growth Inhibitors – DHT

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the androgen (sex hormone) that is known to contribute to hair loss in men. Genetics in this case causes men to lose their hair and DHT is strongly believed to be the culprit. While DHT determines many aspects of a man such as hair growth, it conversely is capable of making us lose our hair quicker too.

DHT blockers exist that attempt to block the affects of DHT specific to hair loss. One of the better known DHT blockers is FinasterideOpens in a new tab. which is commercially known as Propecia®, a tablet used by men to combat hair loss.

So genetics already plays a large part in men losing their hair as it is. There are other reasons men experience inhibited hair growth however.

Hair Growth Inhibitors – Health and Lifestyle Reasons

Humans already do a good job (sarcasm) and inhibit hair growth without use of a product. Typical reasons for poor hair growth and/or hair loss include:

  • Lack of proper nutrition
  • Use of certain prescription drugs
  • Genetics (see DHT above)
  • Stress
  • Age
  • Thyroid problems and other health issues
  • Poor hair care regimen

Hair Growth Inhibitor Products

Men may choose to utilize hair growth products to deliberately slow hair growth. Chest hair, arm and leg hair to name 3 examples. They may specifically use such a product after using a hair removal method to slow the return of the hair when it grows back.

I don’t have a lot of personal experience with hair inhibitor products although I did try one non-prescription product for a short period of time. Given that I didn’t use it long enough to really notice any difference, I can’t say that it worked and can’t really say that it didn’t either.

Having said that, I don’t currently use any hair growth inhibitor and have no plans to start using any in the future.

As mentioned, typically you use a hair growth inhibitor after using another method of hair removal to attempt to slow the regrowth of the hair you’ve just removed. But you also might use a product simply to slow the hair growth that you’re already experiencing without the use of hair removal.

Products often come in a lotion, cream or spray format and are usually applied directly to the area where hair removal has been recently conducted.

Do Hair Inhibitors Work?

There are too many of them to review…Hair inhibitors are easily found online and need to be evaluated individually.

Whether or not every hair growth inhibitor on the market actually works is a bone of contention. You can certainly find a number of products on the market and new ones are popping up on the market regularly.

Your best bet is to do your homework if you are considering using a hair growth inhibitor. If the product you are considering has independent and verifiable research on its merits, carefully read it and consider its findings.

If a product requires a prescription, it’s because it is considered to be a drug so you’ll need to speak with a doctor about its merits and possible side effects. The fact that it requires a prescription means that research should be available on its rate of success.

When it comes to these sorts of products you’ll need to learn how to figure out the difference between fact and hype.

Hair Inhibitor Research

Polish research from 2007Opens in a new tab. compares the claims of both hair growth and hair inhibitor products in more detail if you’d like to learn more.

Also from 2007, another reportOpens in a new tab. suggested a correlation between inhibited hair growth and the use of endo and exocannabinoids.

Carl Mueller

I'm Carl and I write Permanent Hair Removal Tips. I discuss my hair removal experiences in detail and talk about the pros and cons and things to be aware of. Thanks for stopping by!

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