Laser Hair Removal Professionals

Blond hair and hair removal

by Laura
(Clearwater, Fl . USA)

I have had an array of weird experiences with hair removal. First I tried electrolysis. It was just not for me. I went to a cheap discount laser place I found out that they were using a machine called an IPL. It was not even a laser. I had about 15 treatments and it really did nothing for me. I finally went to a place that has a real laser. They had a lifetime guarantee which was really great for my budget. I went to the crummy little place for my consultation and they did not impress me but it was cheap. I figured what could go wrong, they had a real laser! Well I got burned and then the place soon went out of business. Then I went to this half price laser place with a lifetime guarantee, the laser girl had the personality of a potato. She missed a lot of my hair and when I asked her about it she blew me off and made me feel bad. They are obviously working on volume and can’t be bothered. I was extremely frustrated by the treatment because I was all spotty. I finally asked her to re-treat me in the missed spots and she got mad and told me that if I was unsatisfied then maybe I should go somewhere else. I called and left a message to schedule my next appointment and she left me a message saying that because I was unhappy she felt it would be best if I found somewhere else to go. Better for who???? I pre-paid and I get a lifetime guarantee why would I leave to go somewhere else after only two treatments? The guarantee promised unlimited treatments until all of my hair is gone! I was unhappy because I got crummy quality and they did not honor the lifetime guarantee! I lost my money once again! Well, I guess my point is you get what you pay for. I found this website and it led me to the great laser place that I go to now. They have to meet a certain criteria before they can get listed, they have to qualify!!! The site does not have every affiliate listed but you can call and they will give you the name of a qualified clinic in your area. The place I go to now is awesome! I have a few responsibilities which I did not have before, they are strict about the tanning thing and a bit more expensive but all-in-all they are great and my hair is gone. I really am grateful that I found the site.

NOTE FROM CARL: Thanks for the post Laura. The “lifetime guarantee” is an interesting one since hair grows in cycles and even if the hair doesn’t grow back now, what if new hair grows back in the future? Does a lifetime guarantee cover that? And a lifetime guarantee doesn’t do much if the clinic you go to ends up going out of business as you experienced.

Like you, I tried IPL treatment and it did work to reduce the unwanted hair, albeit with a number of treatments. It did take time and a number of follow up treatments for me before I really noticed a reduction of unwanted hair. The keyword there is hair reduction, not necessarily complete and permanent elimination.

Carl Mueller

I'm Carl and I write Permanent Hair Removal Tips. I discuss my hair removal experiences in detail and talk about the pros and cons and things to be aware of. Thanks for stopping by!

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