Following hair removal using electrolysis, IPL and laser treatment, there are certain things to do and avoid doing to enable the skin to heal. Laser hair removal aftercare – and aftercare for electrolysis and IPL – tends to involve avoiding activities that irritate the skin for at least several days following treatment.
Let’s take a closer look at all three hair removal options.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare
- Very little aftercare is necessary.
- Avoid sunlight or tanning following treatment until skin has fully healed. Skin can become sensitive to light for a few days after laser hair removal treatment. Wear decent sunblock on skin that is exposed to sunlight that was treated.
- On that note, avoid direct sunlight and tanning before treatment too, so that the machine doesn’t incorrectly read your skin color and negatively affect results.
- Side effects generally involve reddening of the skin and light sensitivity for perhaps several days. Again, avoid direct sunlight or tanning in the treated areas until the skin has fully healed.
- In severe cases of pain, your clinician or doctor might prescribe medication or steroid cream.
- Follow up appointment(s) are usually scheduled every 4-6 weeks until successful hair removal has been achieved.
How to achieve the best success: Choose a qualified professional clinic with a good track record. Some laser services are offered by doctors, some by a nurse or clinician. Check online reviews. Ask for real life pictures and results of past clients who specifically had the same body part(s) treated that you are seeking laser treatment for.
Let your laser practitioner know during treatment about pain levels you’re experiencing to ensure they are aware of what you’re feeling so they can adjust the settings if necessary.
Electrolysis Hair Removal Aftercare
- Very little aftercare is necessary. There is generally nothing to apply to the skin following treatment.
- Side effects generally involve minor redness, irritation and sensitivity which usually passes in hours or by the next day.
- More severe reactions might be the pain during the actual process. Check with your practitioner beforehand to see if taking pain medication in advance and/or post treatment is necessary.
- Follow up appointments may be scheduled when hair begins to grow back or even on successive weeks. Hair is removed one by one and may require successive appointments to remove large amounts of hair.
How to achieve the best success: Choose a qualified professional electrologist with a good track record. Check online reviews. Ask for real life pictures and results of past clients who specifically had the same body part(s) treated that you are seeking electrolysis treatment for.
Let your electrologist know during treatment about pain levels you’re experiencing to ensure they are aware of what you’re feeling.
Read my detailed interview with professional electrologist Dan Wallace to learn more about the process of electrolysis.
IPL Hair Removal Aftercare
- Like laser, little post hair removal aftercare is required for IPL.
- Avoid sunlight or tanning following treatment until skin has fully healed. Skin can become sensitive to light for a few days after IPL hair removal treatment. Wear sunblock on treated areas exposed to sunlight as with laser hair removal.
- On that note, avoid direct sunlight and tanning before treatment too, so that the machine doesn’t incorrectly read your skin color and negatively affect results.
How to achieve the best success: Choose a qualified professional IPL practitioner with a good track record. Check online reviews. Ask for real life pictures and results of past clients who specifically had the same body part(s) treated that you are seeking electrolysis treatment for.
IPL generally requires more training and skill than lasers to operate especially given the necessary use of cooling gel so choose your clinic carefully.
Let your IPL practitioner know during treatment about pain levels you’re experiencing to ensure they are aware of what you’re feeling so they can adjust the settings if necessary. Don’t end up with burns or scarring because treatment is causing too much pain.
Hair Removal Aftercare General Tips
Ask your practitioner for advice and follow their instructions regarding post care. In general terms, you can help your recovery time by:
- Using recommended pain relief as suggested when necessary.
- Avoiding UV light and sunlight in general on the affected body parts until skin has fully healed.
- Use a decent SPF sunblock to help shield the sun’s rays when you are outside, post hair removal treatment.
- Avoid any other hair removal procedures on the skin and also avoid using chemical products on the treated skin for at least several weeks.
- Gently exfoliate skin while showering to minimize the chances of ingrown hairs.
- Contact the hair removal clinic for help if you experience blistering or severe pain post treatment or go straight to your doctor if necessary rather than trying to figure it out on your own.
- Electrolysis, IPL and laser hair removal aftercare essentially refers to avoiding certain activities like sun exposure and friction while the skin is healing.
- Follow the instructions of your hair removal practitioner for post treatment care and ask for instructions if they don’t provide any, before treatment begins.
- For severe pain or other side effects, contact your clinic immediately and see your doctor if necessary.
- Choosing a quality, skilled practitioner is your best bet for success so don’t go cheap if it means skimping on quality, safety and service.
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