Does Laser Hair Removal Work For Red Hair?

Does Laser Hair Removal Work For Red Hair?

Laser hair removal may not be as effective for individuals with red hair, as well as those with blonde, gray, or white hair, because the laser targets the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicle. People with red hair typically have less melanin in their hair, which makes it harder for the laser to target the follicle.

The good news is that some newer laser hair removal technology can be used with red hair and depending on what body part(s) you want treated, electrolysis might be an option since it is not hair color-specific.

If you have unwanted hair that happens to be red, you do have options which we’ll discuss below. You will need to familiarize yourself with the correct technology and also ensure you are only speaking with hair removal pros who know how to treat red or ginger hair and have the correct technology to do so.

Successful laser hair removal with unwanted red hair

Some laser hair removal devices that use a specific wavelength that targets light-red hair follicle and some trained professional do perform laser hair removal with success on light-red hair. But generally it is considered less effective.

The diode laser seems to one option for laser hair removal that those with red hair can consider.

Your best bet is to contact the local laser hair removal clinics you are considering and ask them these questions yourself:

  • Do your laser hair removal machines work on red hair?
  • What examples can you show me of you successfully treating unwanted red hair?
  • What specific laser technology do you use?

You can then research these types of lasers yourself and ensure that the answer they gave you is true. You can even contact the manufacturer of the machine(s) in question and confirm with them.

Also only consult websites with recent information. Older webpages might have been written years ago when laser technology now available didn’t yet exist.

While in the past there was such a thing as an “ideal” candidate for laser hair removal – those with dark, coarse hair and lighter skin had the best success – newer laser technologies that are now available have widened the ability of other people to become candidates, too.

You just need to know which machine(s) works best for your skin type and hair type.

What other options are available for unwanted red hair?

There are several methods that can be used to remove unwanted red hair, but their effectiveness may vary depending on the individual and the density of the hair.

Some hair removal options (electrolysis for example) are really only available for a relatively small amount of hair, too.

Some options for removal of unwanted red hair include:

  1. Shaving: This is a quick and easy way to remove hair, but it will grow back quickly and may be prickly.
  2. Waxing: This method involves applying hot or cold wax to the skin and then removing the hair from the roots. This method can be painful and may cause redness and irritation.
  3. Tweezing: This method involves plucking the hair from the root using tweezers. It is effective for removing small areas of hair, but can be time-consuming for larger areas.
  4. Threading: This method is similar to tweezing, but a cotton thread is used to remove hair. It is more effective for removing unwanted hair in larger areas, but it can be painful.
  5. Depilatory creams: These creams can be applied to the skin to dissolve the hair. They can be effective, but they can also be harsh on the skin and may cause irritation.
  6. Electrolysis: This method involves destroying the hair follicle with an electric current. It is effective for all hair colors, but it can be time-consuming and may require multiple treatments.

Does IPL work on red hair?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is not a good option for red hair or for blonde, white or gray hair for that matter.

While IPL is not laser hair removal – it uses a light-based technology rather than laser – it did become quite viable and widely used for hair removal particularly for those people who had brown, coarse hair that was being treated.

From a consumer’s perspective, the process of IPL vs laser hair removal is somewhat similar although the results may be very different.

IPL was widely available beginning in the 1990s for hair removal but since then however, it has somewhat waned in popularity as laser hair removal has vastly improved. New hair removal technology has focused on lasers not IPL.

If you have unwanted red hair, IPL isn’t an option worth looking at.

Carl Mueller

I'm Carl and I write Permanent Hair Removal Tips. I discuss my hair removal experiences in detail and talk about the pros and cons and things to be aware of. Thanks for stopping by!

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