Before you go, check this out!
We have lots more on to show you. Check out this post which is one of the most popular: 12 things to ask before you go for laser hair removal!
Traditionally, laser hair removal worked well for people with light skin and dark, coarse hair. The nature of laser meant that the device would automatically search for the contrast between the skin...
Rosacea is an incurable but treatable skin condition similar to acne that affects around 5% of the population. Often referred to as acne rosacea it tends to affect the face especially around the nose...
Clients who are not good candidates for laser hair removal include those with fine or thin hair as well as unwanted hair that is blonde, gray, white or red. Pregnant women should avoid the procedure...
The best laser machine for hair removal is one that matches your skin tone as some laser technologies work better than others for different skin types. Modern laser machines also feature skin cooling...
Brazilian laser hair removal is an increasingly popular method for women and men who normally shave or wax their pubic region. Given how quickly the hair grows back and since neither of these options...
Laser hair removal marketing usually refers to the treatment pain being similar to someone flicking a rubber band against your skin. But anyone who has had laser removal done knows that it's not...